The meeting was called to order by President, Dick Strecker, at 7:15 p.m.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read an accepted.  The Treasure's Report follows:

315 315CA
Balance Outstanding
Corsage Sale receipts (not final)
Student Union benches
Initiation Fees to National APO
To be paid out
Record Balance
Bills outstanding, party
To be paid out
Corsage Sale profits
Working Balance

Lorin Johnson gave the Service Committee Report for the first semester at asked the brothers for better participation in service projects for the coming semester.  Marty Rosenberg, the second semester Service Chairman, next outlined the various service projects which will be undertaken by the Chapter.

Don Kawash gave the Membership Committee report for the first semester and told about the ritual changes in the pledge and prevalent initiations, the success of the pledge project, the pledge program, and the pledge meeting.  Also included in the report were how it, the pledge program, can possibly improved.  Charles Hadley summarized the next semester's work on membership.

Jack Kooyoomjiam gave a report saying that the Chapter might now have a profit of $80 from the Corsage Sale.

Dave Mitchell gave a brief report on the Silver Beaver Award ceremonies.

The election of a Treasurer for the Chapter followed.  Brother Ed Pelletier is the Treasurer of a Chapter for the spring semester.

Bob Johnson, John Goodrich, and Roy Pinto volunteered to be on the Bylaws Committee.

It was reminded that three brothers, Dave Mathieson, Bill Landis and Mike Berrini, will be on the General Electric College Bowl on January 26, 1964 and a chapter should support them anyway they can.

Move: to invite Tony Amico and Ed Derosa of the Critique staff to attend discussions of two motions relating to Chapter support the Critique.  Carried.

Move: to suspend rules so that we can consider the financial motion first.  Carried.

Move: the APO loan the Critique  $110 and that any other finanancial commitments by APO be brought before the chapter in the proper manner.  The loan must be paid back to account 315 as soon as the Critique acquires proper funds to do so.  Passed.

Move the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega endorsed the survey of courses and publication of the periodical report by the staff of the Critique and encourages participation in support by members of his brotherhood, as The Critique seeks to become a fully self-supporting project.

There will be a Gamma Sigma Sigma initiation on Thursday night, January 9, 1964, and all brothers of Alpha Phi Omega are invited to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
John Kucharski
Recording Secretary of Alpha Phi Omega

Next available meeting minutes